


The Beauty of Religion

By looking through history we can see that the most religious men have frequently been the greatest scientists (Newton, Pascal, Joule, Pasteur, Faraday, Kelvin etc), the greatest teachers (Paul, Augustine, Calvin, Luther etc) and the greatest defenders of freedom and liberty (Queen Elizabeth, Oliver Cromwell, King William III etc). So why have all of these great men believed in something which they cannot see or touch. Why have they dedicated their life to God, when they have nothing more than a promise of reward? Truth Firstly, they believe in God because it is natural to do so. We each have a natural sense of God. In the history of civilization, every single tribe, clan and society has believed in a God. These beliefs in God may not have been completely accurate but they are strong testimony to the natural inclination to trust in a Deity. Secondly, the evidence of God's power is all around us. Can we seriously look at the brilliance of Nature and believe that it is the result of chance. To do so, is to go against Reason and sound judgment. The handiwork of God testifies to his power, wisdom and goodness.

  Purity Religion does not hold back man or society. How are we harmed when we act honestly and fairly in all that we do? How is a man hurt when he is kind and helpful to others? There is a natural beauty in doing what is right. We are following the path drawn out for us by the Creator of the World so there is something which is naturally pleasing to us. Conscience But if this is not good enough for you, then consider the benefits to yourself from living a good life. The contentment of a clear conscience is one of the purest forms of happiness known to man. When we do what is wrong, conscience tells us about it and corrects us. Adam Smith put it like this: If in the course of the day we have swerved in any respect from the rules which he prescribes to us; if we have either exceeded or relaxed in our frugality; if we have either exceeded or relaxed in our industry; if, through passion or inadvertency, we have hurt in any respect the interest or happiness of our neighbor; if we have neglected a plain and proper opportunity of promoting that interest and happiness; it is this conscience who, in the evening, calls us to an account for all those omissions and violations, and his reproaches often make us blush inwardly both for our folly and inattention to our own happiness, and for our still greater indifference and inattention, perhaps, to that of other people. Relationships Virtue is not only beneficial to ourselves but it clearly benefits our friends, family and neighbors, who will repay us for our kindness and hospitality.

 No benevolent man ever lost altogether the fruits of his benevolence. If he does not always gather them from the persons from whom he ought to have gathered them, he seldom fails to gather them, and with a tenfold increase, from other people. Kindness is the parent of kindness; and if to be beloved by our brethren be the great object of our ambition, the surest way of obtaining it is, by our conduct to show that we really love them. Society Virtue also helps the whole of society, and civilization That the tendency of virtue to promote the order of society, when we consider it coolly and philosophically, reflects a very great beauty upon it, cannot be called into question. Human society, when we contemplate it in a certain abstract and philosophical light, appears like a great, an immense machine, whose regular and harmonious movements produce a thousand agreeable effects. As in any other beautiful and noble machine that was the production of human art, whatever tended to render its movements more smooth and easy, would derive a beauty from this effect, and, on the contrary, whatever tended to obstruct them would displease upon that account: so virtue, which is, as it were, the fine polish to the wheels of society, necessarily pleases; while vice, like the vile rust, which makes them jar and grate upon one another, is as necessarily offensive. Comfort When we trust on the All-powerful Author and Judge of the Universe, we can rest on a sure foundation. If we trust and obey then we know that while our friends may let us down, God will not. We know that even if evil triumphs for a moment, it will not survive for long.

 We know that God will never leave us or forsake us. He by whom God is thus known perceiving how he governs all things, confides in him as his guardian and protector, and casts himself entirely upon his faithfulness, - perceiving him to be the source of every blessing, if he is in any strait or feels any want, he instantly recurs to his protection and trusts to his aid, - persuaded that he is good and merciful, he reclines upon him with sure confidence, and doubts not that, in the divine clemency, a remedy will be provided for his every time of need. (John Calvin) Confidence When we trust in God we can look to the future and have a sure confidence that everything will work out. We have been promised that all things will work together for the good of those who love God. With confidence we can look to tomorrow, not knowing what will happen, but knowing that it is all for the best that it should happen. As Adam Smith says: The idea of that divine Being, whose benevolence and wisdom have, from all eternity, contrived and conducted the immense machine of the universe, so as at all times to produce the greatest possible quantity of happiness, is certainly of all the objects of human contemplation by far the most sublime. Every other thought necessarily appears mean in the comparison. Not only can we trust in God to help us tomorrow, and for years to come, we also know that when our time on this Earth is at an end he will bring us to him, to be with him for all eternity. Conclusion Why do you turn away from what is good? A sure and firm faith in God is not only natural, but it brings contentment, comfort and confidence to anyone who holds it. What is stopping you from turning to God? Can you really say that it is worth all this? NAVIGATION Download Ebook Does God exist? Big Bang Evolution Evidence of Creation Spirituality Meaning of life Nietzsche, Marx and Freud We already know God Existence of Suffering Last Request Why the Christian God? SALVATION Everyone has sinned God is willing to forgive us How you can be saved

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