




Because of the poor results obtained with conventional therapies and the great harm they can cause, alternative therapies are gaining in acceptance and popularity. These therapies are all based on assisting the body's own defense systems in destroying the cancer cells. They use various methods to achieve this with most of them requiring a great
deal of commitment and determination on the part of the patient. As in the case of conventional treatments, very few, if any, controlled experiments have been carried out on the value of the various therapies, so testimony as to their
effectiveness usually comes from former patients and is spread by word of mouth. One notable exception is the megadose vitamin therapy pioneered by Drs. Linus Pauling, Ewan Cameron, and Abram Hoffer.Megadose vitamin therapy involves the ingestion of large
amounts of vitamins. This treatment has been extensively evaluated at the Vale of Leven Hospital in Scotland under the supervision of Dr. Cameron. The experiments found that
terminal cancer patients who received large, daily doses of vitamin C along with their regular treatment lived much longer than patients who did not receive vitamin C; they also had less pain and in general, a much improved quality of life. Vitamin C has many properties which makes it an excellent cancer fighter. It is a detoxifying agent, an antioxidant, and helps to produce antibodies. It is also very important in preventing growing tumors from invading adjacent tissue. Dr. Hoffer of Victoria, Canada later expanded on the Pauling/Cameron treatment protocol by adding large amounts of vitamin E, vitamin B-3, other B vitamins, beta-carotene, and some minerals. Those of Dr. Hoffer's cancer patients who followed this regimen lived, on the average, about 16 times longer than those who did not.
In January 1994, Dr. Donald Lamm and his colleagues at the West Virginia University School of Medicine reported that daily megadose vitamin therapy significantly lessens the risk of recurrence in bladder cancer patients. Patients who received the therapy, on the average, had less than half the tumor recurrence rate than did patients who did not receive it. Dr. Lamm's vitamin combination included multivitamins (RDA dosages) plus 40,000 IU vitamin A, 100 mg vitamin B-6, 2,000 mg vitamin C, 400 IU vitamin E, and 90 mg zinc. The megadose vitamin therapy, so far, has only been evaluated in combination with conventional cancer treatments. Metabolic and herbal therapies aim at cleansing the body,boosting the immune system, and assisting the body in ridding itself of the cancer and the toxins created by the breakdown of the tumor. The Gerson therapy was formulated by Dr. Max Gerson, a German physician who came to the United States just before World War II. Dr. Gerson believed that cancer results from a faulty metabolism and long-term exposure to pesticides and other environmental pollutants. His treatment involves adetoxification program and a meat-free, salt-free, and low-fat diet along with copious quantities of fresh fruit and vegetable juices as well as various supplements. The Gerson program is particularly effective for melanoma, lymphomas, and cancers of the liver, pancreas and colon. Success has also been achieved with inoperable brain cancer, metastasized breast cancer, and prostate cancer. The Gerson therapy isavailable on an in-patient basis at the Centro Hospitalario
Internationale del Pacifico in Tijuana, Mexico. The Hoxsey therapy was developed by a self-taught American healer, Harry Hoxsey. By the 1950s, the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas was the world's largest private cancer clinic. In 1960, however, the American Medical Association, the National Cancer Institute, and the Food and Drug Administration managedto close down the clinic. It later reopened in Tijuana, Mexico as the Bio-Medical Center. The clinic treats all kinds of cancer on an out-patient basis only; best results have been achieved with lymphoma, melanoma, and skin cancer, however, patients with breast, cervical, prostate, colon, and lung cancers have also been successfully treated. The Hoxsey therapy includes the total avoidance of pork, vinegar,tomatoes, carbonated drinks, alcohol, bleached flour, and refined sugar. Various supplements are also given with the main component of the treatment being the Hoxsey tonic which consists of several different herbs, many with potent anti-cancer effects.

Immune therapies are used in both conventional and alternativetreatment protocols. The Livingston Foundation Medical Center in San Diego treats cancer patients with various individually-tailored vaccines, gamma globulin, and a vegetarian diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. The Immunology Research Center in Freeport, Bahamas uses injections of immune substances to augment the body's own immune system and claims good success with breast, colon, kidney, and bladder cancer. The Burzynski Research Institute in Houston, Texas usesinjections or supplements of peptides and amino acid derivatives occurring naturally in the body to augment the body's biochemical defense system and reprogram cancer cells so that they revert to normal development. Other alternative therapies are based on the use of specific formulations such as the Canadian herbal remedy Essiac whichhas been used with apparent success since 1922. Shark cartilage has been found to be particularly effective against brain cancer and prostate, liver and breast metastases. It works by interfering with the tumor's ability to create a vitally needed blood supply. Hydrazine sulfate is particularly effective in combatting cachexia, a deadlycondition which causes many cancer patients to starve to death. It has also been used with success in Russia to treat lymphatic cancer.
There are many highly respected alternative cancer therapies in use in Europe. The late Johanna Budwig, MD advocated a combination of sulfur-containing protein and essential fatty acids to treat many types of cancer. Dr. Hans Nieper, MD in Hanover, Germany uses a vegetarian diet and various combinations of vitamins, minerals, laetrile, and specialvaccines. Dr. Nieper claims that 45 to 48 per cent of those of his patients who have been declared incurable by conventional medicine have their cancer under control after 18 months or less on his program. The Breuss Clinic in Hanover, Germany uses lengthy juice fasts and a totally protein-free diet to bring many cancers under control. Wright Healthcare in Auckland, New Zealand also has an excellent cancer program and specializes in the treatment of skin cancer using a proprietary ointment. Also in Auckland is the Centre for Advanced Medicine with its excellent facilities for treating heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
Traditional Chinese medicine and ayurvedic medicine also have specific treatments for many cancer; the ancient technique of Qi Gong has been found to be particularly effective. It is clear that there is an enormous range of alternative therapies available to aid in the fight against cancer. The challenge is to find the right one, the one you believe will work for you, and then commit to it. The fact that yourconventional doctor may have told you that your illness is terminal and that nothing can be done is really irrelevant. It just means that conventional medicine cannot help you, but it is certainly no reason to give up. Remember though, just as conventional treatments should only be carried out by professionals so should alternative treatments. Self-diagnosis and self-medication have no place when it comes to fighting cancer.


INTERNATIONAL HEALTH NEWS is published monthly by:
Hans R. Larsen MSc ChE, 1320 Point Street,
Victoria, BC, Canada, V8S 1A5
Phone: (604) 384-2524 Fax: (640) 383-1943
Internet: Compuserve: 75444,227 (hans
ISSN 1203-1933 Copyright 1995 by Hans R. Larsen
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH NEWS does not provide medical advice. Do
not attempt self-diagnosis or self-medication based on our
reports. Please consult your healthcare provider if you are
interested in following up on the information presented.

The Truth About Chelation Therapy
by Michael Janson, M.D.
Blood vessel diseases are the leading killers in America and much of the industrialized world. Loss of circulation to affected parts leads to some of the signs of this hardening of the arteries. This condition is even more common in diabetics and it is worse in smokers. Most of the time it is the result of lifestyle choices (diet, lack of exercise, high stress). The signs of vascular disease may appear on the legs as loss of hair, thinning and atrophy of the skin, non-healing sores, oreven blackened toes from gangrene, and pain on exercise. In the heart the signs may be pain or pressure in the chest, shortness of breath or unusual fatigue. It can also affect the brain, causing loss of memory and confusion, or momentary lapse of consciousness (sometimes called a TIA, or transient ischemic attack). One of the most effective treatments for arteriosclerosis is being ignored and even maligned by mainstream practitioners. This treatment is known as chelation therapy, and it has been successful for over forty years. What is chelation therapy all about?
EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) is a synthetic amino acid which has the ability to attach itself to metals and minerals, forming a particular kind of bond called a chelate. Heavier metals have a greater affinity for the EDTA and form stronger bonds. Early in its history, in the 40's and 50's, EDTA was found to be an effective treatment for lead toxicity and was approved as a safe drug for that purpose. In many cases, patients who coincidentally had symptoms of heart disease, such as angina, improved while undergoing the lead toxicity treatment. Since that time, a number of studies have confirmed the effectiveness of chelation therapy for blood vessel disease, including improved blood flow to the heart, the legs and the brain. They have been published in reputable journals by experienced physicians and medical researchers.

Two events occurred which slowed down the growing use of EDTA in traditional medical settings. One was the expiration of the patent on EDTA. It became less profitable to drug companies to pursue or finance studies on the drug. The other was the development of the heart-lung machine allowing open-heart surgery. Coronary artery bypass surgery has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Even today there is controversy about how much of the bypass surgery that is done is actually necessary. Most estimates are that 50-75% of the surgery being done is unnecessary. There are no good studies supporting the value of the extensive amount of bypass surgery that is being performed today.

The exact action of EDTA in improving blood vessel disease is not clear, and it probably works by several mechanisms. One theory of aging and degenerative disease is the Free Radical theory. Free radicals are highly active molecular fragments formed during the production of energy in the cells. They have high energy, like sparks in a fireplace, and this energy can be used by the body, when properly handled.However, if these free radicals get out of control they can cause damage to surrounding tissues, just as sparks that get out of the fireplace can cause the rug to catch fire. Excess free radicals contribute to the obvious signs of aging such as wrinkling and loss of elasticity of the skin, and the deposition of age pigment (commonly called liver spots). Internal damage is less visible but even more serious. In addition to the formation of free radicals in the body, youare exposed to them in the environment. They are found in cigarettesmoke in high amounts, and also in polluted air. They are caused by radiation and rancid oils, by hydrogenated oil such as those found in margarine and shortening, and by many therapeutic drugs. Heavy metals cause an increased production of free radicals. One of the most interesting properties of EDTA is the removal of lead, iron and other metals that have accumulated in the body. Excess accumulation of iron (usually from consumption of meat products) leads to the production of free radicals. Heavy metals are directly toxic. Removal of iron and heavy metals with chelation is thought to help prevent and reverse the tissue damage of vascular disease. Free radicals, with their high energy levels, are thought to contribute to the development of heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and certain immune system disorders. A recent study in Zurich, Switzerland showed a markedly lower incidence of cancer among patients who had received chelation therapy. This makes a strong case for chelation inhibiting free radicals. For protection from free radicals, your body has a number of defenses. You produce enzymes that are free radical scavengers, as are many nutrients. These include vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, coenzyme Q10, sulfur amino acids, and many others. These protect you from aging and degeneration. A comprehensive approach to treatment is more effective than any one treatment alone. This includes diet, exercise and stress management, as well as dietary supplements.

Another mechanism of action of EDTA is to bind calcium in the blood stream, and alter the intra-cellular balance of calcium with magnesium. This also favorably affects the circulation. There are also other potential mechanisms of action. I have personally had 43 chelation treatments myself for preventive medicine. I expected to reduce my body burden of heavy metals, as reflected by lead levels. Before starting the treatment I had the laboratory measure a 24-hour urinary lead excretion, which was 17 micrograms. I then had a chelation treatment and collected the urine for 24 hours again. This time the EDTA pulled out 113 micrograms of lead, which had been hidden in the tissues. Aftersix treatments I repeated the EDTA challenge and eliminated only 34 mcg, indicating that much less lead was available for removal. I am continuing my chelation in order to remove lead and other toxic metals from my body. All of us are constantly exposed to these in the environment. Although most patients are treated with chelation for vascular disease, it has many other benefits, as well as value as preventive medicine. Specific benefits are found in diabetic arterial disease, macular degeneration, decreased mental function from vasculardisease, steoporosis, intermittent claudication (leg pain on exercise),and other conditions. There have been no serious side effects from the treatment since the 1950's, when it was first being administered. We have learned much about the treatment since then, and it is now safelyadministered by physicians trained by the American College forAdvancement in Medicine (ACAM), and certified by the American Board of Chelation Therapy (ABCT).
Doctors critical of chelation therapy are usually unfamiliar with the literature and have no experience with the treatment in practice. Studies are ongoing, including one sanctioned by the FDA being conducted at army hospitals. Currently this study is on hold for financial and, perhaps, political reasons. For further information, I recommend Bypassing Bypass by Elmer Cranton, MD, an in depth look at chelation with a chapter on free radical theory. Another book, Chelation Therapy by John Parks Trowbridge, MD, and Morton Walker, DPM, is shorter but still gives a good overview.
Heart disease is the number one killer in America. Bypass surgery is expensive and risky, and has not been shown to be of clear benefit. It is important to consider the value of chelation therapy, which has so many direct and side benefits with so few negative side effects. If you have vascular disease, it would be worthwhile to look for a doctor who does chelation therapy as part of a comprehensive approach to treatment.
For a physican referal near your area that practices EDTA chelation
therapy, please contact
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 204
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Tel : 714 - 5837666
Fax: 714 - 4559679
(Free information and catalog of publication that is for sale at
ACAM is available by calling above number.)
Dr. Janson is currently running "Center for Preventive Medicine"
in Barnstable, MA. USA.

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