0nly one in 10,000 American men will die of cancer before the age of 40. The leading causes of death in young American men are car accidents, violence, and AIDS. However, half of all American men will eventually develop some type of cancer in their entire lifetime, and one-quarter will die from some form of cancer. •Most adult cancers can be prevented by avoiding tobacco, by eating more fruits and vegetables and less fat, and by being more physically active.
The most important things a young man can do to avoid cancer later on are to not use tobacco and live a healthy lifestyle.
Cancer of the testicle is very rare, affecting only 1 out of every 10,000 American men aged 15-35. Still, it is the most common cancer found in men in this age group.
•If you find that one of your testicles is much larger or firmer than the other, or if you find a lump, whether painful or not, don't panic. The problem is usually not cancer, but you'll need to see your doctor to make sure.
•Luckily, even if it is testicular cancer, in most cases it can be cured. There are often no long-term effects on sexual function or on futureability to father children.
•The cause of testicular cancer is not well understood. The most important known risk factor for testicular cancer is a history of one of your testicles not moving into your scrotum properly before you were of school age.
However, most men who develop testicular cancer do not have this risk factor.
•Ignoring any changes in your testicles or not seeing a doctor or nurse right away could make whatever problem you may have moredifficult to treat successfully.
So, if one of your testicles seems much larger or harder to you than the other one, or if you find a lump, get it checked out by a doctor.
The cancers that most frequently affect men are skin, prostate, lung, and colon cancers. Knowing about these diseases and how they can be prevented or found early can save your life.
Skin Cancer
Who Is at Risk? People with fair skin, especially those with blonde or red hair, have a greater risk for skin cancer than people with darker coloring, although anyone who spends a lot of time in the sun is at risk. People who have had close family members with a melanoma and thosewho had severe sunburns before the age of 18 are at higher risk for this type of skin cancer. The Best Defense: Prevention and Early Detection Prevent most skin cancers by avoiding being out in the midday sun for long periods of time. Wear hats with brims, long-sleevedshirts, and sunglasses. And use sunscreen on all exposed parts of the skin. If you have children, protect them from the sun and don't let them get sunburned. Examine your skin regularly and have a skin exam during your regular health checkups.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. No matter who you are, we can help. Contact us anytime, day or night, for information and support.
1.800.ACS.2345 www.cancer.org Hope.Progress.Answers.
Prostate Cancer Who Is at Risk? Most cases of prostate cancer occur in men older than 50, and more than 70 of these cases are in men over 65. For reasons that are still unknown, African American men are more likely than white men to develop prostate cancer and are more than twice as likely to die from it. Having one or more close relatives with prostate cancer also increases a man's risk of developing this disease, as does eating a diet high in animal fat. The Best Defense: Early Detection Prostate cancer can usually be found in its early stages by having a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and a digital rectal exam (DRE). Talk to your doctor about what's right for you. Your doctor should offer you the PSA blood test and DRE every year starting when you are 50. Talk about the benefits and limitations of testing with your doctor so that you can make an informed decision about testing. If you are at high risk for prostate cancer (if you are African American or have a father or brother who had prostate cancer at a young age), you should begin having these tests at age 45.
Lung Cancer
Who Is at Risk? People who smoke are at the greatest risk of getting lung cancer and a host of other tobacco-related diseases such as heart
disease, stroke, and emphysema. Smoking is responsible for more than 80 of all lung cancers. Other risk factors include exposure to radon and asbestos, particularly for smokers. The Best Defense: Prevention Lung cancer is one of the few cancers that can often be prevented, because it is usually caused by smoking. If you are a smoker, ask your doctor or nurse to help you quit. If you don't smoke, don't start. If your friends andloved ones are smokers, you can help them quit. For help quitting, call 1-800-ACS-2345.
Colon Cancer Who Is at Risk? Most colorectal cancers (commonly known as "colon cancers") are found in people over age 50. People with a personal or family history of the disease, or who have polyps in the colon or rectum or inflammatory bowel disease, are at greater risk than the general population. A diet mostly of high-fat foods (especially from animal sources), being overweight, smoking, and being inactivealso increase a person's risk for this disease. The Best Defense: Prevention and Early Detection Colon cancer almost always starts with a polyp. Testing can save lives by finding polyps before they become cancerous. If precancerous polyps are removed, colon cancer can be prevented. Eating a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables may also lower the risk of colon cancer.
The American Cancer Society recommends one of these five testing options for all people beginning at age 50. • Yearly fecal occult blood test (FOBT). Flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years. Yearly FOBT and flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years (preferred over either of the first two options alone) . Double contrast barium enema every five years. Colonoscopy every 10 years Your doctor can help you make an informed decision about the best testing method for you.
If you are at higher risk for colon cancer, talk with your doctor about a different testing schedule.
The Best Defense Against Cancer Early detection -finding a cancer early before it has spread - gives you the best chance to do something about it. Knowing about these cancers and how they can be prevented or found early can save your life.
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