


Accepting and Releasing Emotions

Accepting and Releasing Emotions

Denying Your Feelings

by Madisyn Taylor

It's always best to acknowledge our feelings so they may rise to the surface rather than keep them suppressed and turned into anger.

Dealing with powerful emotions can be challenging, especially when we are going through chaotic, sad, or cruel experiences in our lives. Often, it can seem like we have only two options for dealing with our feelings so they don’t become too overwhelming. We may let our feelings out in an immediate and visceral way, or we may bottle them up by suppressing our emotions inside our bodies. Most people make the second choice, repressing their feelings in an attempt to deny them. The truth is that there are many positive ways to deal with emotions, and experiencing your negative feelings doesn’t have to constitute a negative experience. Denying your feelings is not only unhealthy for the mind and the body, but it may also rob you of valuable information you could be learning about yourself and your life. Suppressing your emotions can even impede your short-term memory. Acknowledging your feelings can help you better understand them and help you recover naturally from change, stres! s, and grief.

If you find that facing your feelings head on is proving too difficult during times of emotional distress, you may want to explore alternative ways of expressing them. Otherwise, the emotions you deny could morph into unconscious anger or self-hatred. Expressing your thoughts to friends or family can be helpful. If you don’t feel ready to share them, try giving them words by writing down what you are feeling. Give whatever you are feeling simple words like “livid” or “angry” or “excited” You can also funnel your feelings into a creative outlet, physical exercise, or chores. Even just accepting and speaking your feelings out loud to yourself can be a healing release. In releasing intense emotions, it is most beneficial to acknowledge the feelings, allow yourself to feel them, and let the feelings go. Those who are willing to experience and release their feelings without judgment also find that their lives become less stressful. Breathing deeply, going for a long walk, or doi! ng a constructive task can help you respond to your feelings in a healthy way.

While burying negative or uncomfortable feelings can numb the pain, it also may inevitably dull your ability to experience your more positive and pleasurable feelings. You may find yourself afraid to open up in the future for fear of getting hurt. The feelings we deny aren’t limited to anger and sadness. Suppressing our happiness or excitement can be just as unhealthy. In learning how to express your intense emotions in a healthy way, you are giving yourself the freedom to fully experience the more joyful emotions that come with being alive.

QUESTION: I need help understanding how to become conscious awareness.

 How do I look at myself on the inside. I am struggling with this.ANSWER: Becoming conscious of your self takes practice. It begins with meditation and reconnecting to your inner being by "feeling" the subtle vibrations of truth and love within. As you continue to stay committed to your spiritual practice your chakra system will be begin to open and E~X~P~A~N~D. Your chakras are portals to your higher consciousness, once you begin to expand them, you will begin to tap into MORE of your true self.

When we begin the spiritual journey our chakra system is contracted and filled with distorted beliefs and energetic blocks. These blocks, "block us", from all the tubes and channels within our being that lead to the higher wisdom and love from our God Self. It will take time, patience, dedication and faith to remain committed to our inner healing so we can release the cobwebs that create static interference within our being so we can discover our truth. If it were easy ~ the whole world would be healed and connected to their truth, and we would have Peace On Earth. Humans naturally want to take the easiest, quickest essence, people generally want someone else to do the work for them. This is what I call the external path....the ego, which "Edges God Out." We look outside of our SELF, instead of inward, when clearly Jesus and Buddha have both shown us the way: "The Kingdom Of God Is Within".

Nothing Happens Suddenly

It’s sometimes tough to accept, but nothing happens suddenly. We don’t awaken one day and find a full grown tree in our front lawn, because in the world of physicality, there is always a process. 

Every action we make plants a seed in our lives that will manifest something positive or negative.

A good deed today may manifest a blessing later when it is needed most. 

QUESTION: How do you open, align, balance and activate the chakra system?

ANSWER: Chakras are energy portals to our higher consciousness and multidimensionality. Humanity has lifetimes of stored pain, trauma, unprocessed emotions, distorted energy forms and karma stored within the chakra system, which blocks us from an unadulterated connection with our Higher Self and the truth of our selves in the multi dimensions. At this time on the planet, the energetic distortions and karmic miasims ~ held within the chakra system ~ are being dislodged by the increasing photon light or christ light from the photon belt, galactic sun and heightened inner Earth energies. Because of this, many people are facing a spiritual healing christ-is or crisis in their life as they move through periods of the "dark night of the soul". This is actually a very positive sign of the clearing of the 7 seals or 7 physical chakras that are blocked with distorted energies. Energies that no longer serve us are coming up to be released and transmuted into a higher vibration. This is a process of soul alchemy....where we turn our darkness (lead) into the LIGHT (gold) of higher awareness and truth. The radiance of the gold energy from our crown chakra is our very own Christ Consciousness being activated within our being. Once it is activated we then have to fully integrate it into our seven chakra system and this is the process of stepping into our SELF-mastery.

As Christ says, "The Kingdom Of God Is Within" ~ Luke 17:21. In Revelation 8:6, it says "The seven angels who had the seven trumpets got ready to blow them." These are both symbolic of the "Return Of Christ"....the return of our very own Christ Consciousness, which directly relates to the clearing, activating, aligning and balancing of the seven chakra system/7 seals. Each chakra has an angel or a higher aspect of our self that is connected to these energy portals to our higher consciousness or multidimensionality. As each chakra is cleared enough for 51% of our dormant creator/kundalini energy to rise from the root chakra upwards to the crown chakra....the seven seals are broken and the trumpets will play. The chakras are located on the front and back of our being, and they are shaped like trumpets. In essence, once the kundalini energy is able to fully rise up the chakra system along the central LIGHT column (spine) the divine marriage of our shiva/shakti, our masculine and feminine energies will occur and our chakra system will become unified where we attain ONENESS with our Higher SELF and All That Is.

In order to heal and balance the entire chakra system, we need to make changes in our way of thinking and in our way of being. We also need to incorporate more spiritual life force energy into our energetic system so the higher vibrational energies can heal and transmute the energetic distortions with our chakra system. Energy is never dies. Our lower vibrational energy must be transformed into a higher vibrational frequency in order to ascend our consciousness.This requires soul alchemy and dedication to the "Spiritual Practice" of the transcendence of the ego and shadow consciousness, as well as, meditation, visualization exercises and any other spiritual practice you may feel drawn to such as energy healing, yoga, tai chi, chi kung etc...

Chakra clearing is a journey, and if we are going to work with our chakras we need to work with all of them, as they are intimately connected and directly affect each other. Even after the kundalini rises, and the Christ Consciousness is activated.....the Christed energies need to be brought down and FULLY integrated into our chakra system so we can BE the living Christ's we have awakened ourselves to BE....and this is not an easy process. It takes effort, self observation and the willingness to transcend those things within our being that are being shown to us. "For once we were blind (blinded by ego consciousness) but now we see (clarity of soul consciousness). Self honesty and the willingness to SEE ourselves is the key to our self mastery and salvation from the 3rd dimension of separation, egoic/shadowy and dualistic consciousness. Once we face God, we face the SELF....any attempts to remain in denial about our inner workings and negative behavioral patterns will continue to lead to ignorance and tough soul lessons.

Every message I post on the "HOW TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" Facebook page, and my book "RAISE YOUR VIBRATION" are meant to help people attain a more life affirming belief system and lifestyle so we can each raise our vibrations high enough to attain our very own Christ Consciousness. Chakra work, is spiritual work ~ true healing is spiritual healing. It is the healing of our energy and consciousness! In order to heal the planet, it starts with the SELF....nothing will change until "each person" chooses to be pro-active in the process of soul alchemy. Once each person activates and integrates the Christ Within we will bring Heaven here down on Earth. Heaven is a state of consciousness. ~Sabrina Reber

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